🌿 A Little Faith Everyday 🌿

In the rush of everyday life it’s easy to forget about the importance of sharing your faith with others, so here are some ways to incorporate a little faith everyday!


Commit yourself to doing one act of kindness that is completely selfless each day, whether it be for a stranger or someone you love. Something small or something big, it doesn’t matter – just make a point of taking the time to do it, and remember that faith is about loving and accepting one another no matter what.


Download faith apps on your phone such as Echo – which helps you remember when and what you want to pray for! Hopefully every time you unlock your phone and see the apps you will be reminded to think and act on your faith.


Bake some faith into your day! We all enjoy different things and if baking happens to be something you love why not incorporate some faith into it by putting a new twist on an old recipe. You could do anything from baking shortbread to give to the neighbours, to  trying out these bible verse fortune cookies or piping biblical designs on cupcakes.


An easy way to add some faith time in every now and then is to buy some worship music, or save it to a Spotify playlist, and listen to it when you’re commuting or working from home. Take some time to really listen to the lyrics or melody and immerse yourself in the feeling of serenity.


Leave your bible open on your desk and flick to a page each morning, then pick a passage to read and highlight one line that either resonates with you or you want to look up. Add some annotations in the margin, if you don’t mind writing in it, or in a notebook nearby if you prefer – and then at the end of each week take a little time to go back through the notes and look up any questions you had, or just enjoy reading your favourite quotes again.


Consider joining a project such as Postcrossing or Bookcrossing to spread some more love in the world, you don’t necessarily have to leave a religious quote with your book or on your postcard if you don’t think the recipient would appreciate it, although it would be awesome if you did! Maybe try writing something short about love or kindness and then underneath explain your faith and why it’s important to you. If you want to read more about Postcrossing and see what it’s all about you can take a look at this post for an overview, or one of these posts to see the kind of things people send: 1, 2, 3!


Research bible study or worship groups in your area and join one, they usually only meet once a week or fortnight for an hour or two so you can probably find one to squeeze in and they don’t all just involve reading the bible. There are lots of group that meet for a meal or to do a craft of some sort where they also have a light discussion about faith. Hearing other peoples stories and ideas can be really helpful and enlightening.


Do you have any ideas for how to incorporate faith into your day? Leave them in the comments below!

Also take a look at the other posts in this series here and here!






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